0 Records Collected

Important data collection avalible from any device at any time. Fully validated and auditable history.

0 Studies

Clinical & Organisational Audits, Patient Registries, Quality Improvement Programmes, Patient reported outcome/experience measures, Statistical feedback and Benchmarking Audits. CaseCapture is flexible and adaptive.

0 Locations

Comprehensive data collection across the UK and the world.

Over 20 years of experience in high profile national and international projects

Utilising vast cross-industry knowledge and experience to provide unique solutions to complex problems.

Simple and efficient data collection

Incredibly simple user interface, tested on millions of records over a period of 15 years. The tabular format clarifies with ease the sections still to complete, while dynamic questions reveal only the data you need to see.

Instant feedback

With hundreds of options, this customisable dashboard can be defined for the end user. With simple and eye catching layout, we provide a fantastic medium to engage the end user and relevant stakeholders. Benchmark performance against averages and undertake quality improvement utilising PDSA cycles and live SPC charts.

Manage your data sets

The management portal is a powerful tool that provides a clear overview of your ongoing projects with key, real-time metrics.

Quality improvement

Create PDSA cycles against defined measures within your data set and automatically generate SPC charts to follow the variation over time. These charts can be downloaded for presentations and shared with colleagues.

If you have a clinical data collection project you want to discuss, get in touch with the team today and have a chat with our experts.

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